Welcome To Our Virtual Campus
We equip, train, and activate men and women to advance the Kingdom of God through transformational ministry in the local church, marketplace, and community.
Our internationally recognized Christian Education, Credentialing and Mentoring programs are relevant, practical, and empowering. Enroll anytime and graduate debt free.
N.C.C.A. Christian Counselors License and Degrees
Become certified or licensed as a Pastoral Counselor by the National Christian Counselors Association or get your license and accredited Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate, or Post-Doctorate Degree. Academic Supervision is provided by our founder, Dr. Linda Hunt King. Since 2005, the SCMi Institute has been authorized as an N.C.C.A. Certified Academic Institution. We specialize in equipping men and women for works of service in the ministry of counseling and soul care.
SCMi Signature Program Professional Peer Mentorship
Establish a supportive professional relationship. Our signature program – developed by Dr. Linda Hunt King – will help you from start-up to thriving in your counseling ministry! You will glean and benefit from Dr. Linda King’s spiritual gifts along with her experience and expertise in counseling ministry leadership and development, soul care ministries, business administration and nonprofit management, marketing, and risk management.
Life Coach Certification and Temperament Training
Earn your credentials as a professionally certified Christian Life Coach. This Biblically-based program is offered in partnership with the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counselors. The training will help you build a Christ-centered, Soul-focused Coaching Practice. It is based on the Arno Profile System and the many application of this tool including personal life coaching, relationship coaching, career coaching, leadership coaching, business coaching, group coaching, and more.
SCMi Signature Program Entrepreneurs Institute
Glean from independent studies, faith-based resources, and mentorship via our Entrepreneurs Institute. We will teach you how to go from an idea to startup to thriving in marketplace ministry. Learn how to share your faith and reach souls for Christ while generating wealth for Kingdom purposes. This training – developed by Dr. Linda Hunt King – will greatly benefit entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial church planters.
Temperament Testing and Creation Therapy Training
SCMi Signature Program Women in Ministry Institute
Our institute is expanding to further equip women in ministry within and beyond the four walls of the local church. We offer independent studies and project based learning, with certificates of completion, leadership, to equip you for another level of ministry leadership and care of souls. Distance learning is directed by our founder, Dr. Linda Hunt King. Contact us about customizing a program of study that best suits your needs.
Featured Educational Program
Christian Counseling and Soul Care
We specialize in equipping men and women for works of service in the ministry of Christian Pastoral Counseling via the NCCA Accredited License & Degrees Program and our elective Christian Soul Care Cognate.
N.C.C.A. Certified Academic Institution
Soul Care Ministries International Institute
Authorized and Board Certified Since 2005
This training equips our students to establish and/or expand counseling ministries through pastoral ministry, church-based counseling ministries, and para-church organizations such as counseling ministries or centers, missions organizations, outreach ministries, chaplaincy, and private schools.
Are you gifted to counsel and often asked to speak hope, healing, and encouragement into the lives of others?
Is God calling you to a ministry where you can help people be in spiritual, mental, behavioral, and emotional health?
Everyone has a calling, you may be experiencing a call to a ministry of counseling and soul care!
Your mission is our mission . . . to make Bible-based, Christ-centered counseling and care of souls readily accessible in the local church, marketplace, and communities all around the world.
Choose the NCCA Program that best meets your needs:
Certification or License (only) | License + Bachelors Degree | License + Masters Degree | License + Doctorate Degree | License + Post-Doctorate Degree
Enroll with the SCMi Institute today and be assured that you will be ‘throughly equipped for every good work’ in Christian Counseling and Soul Care.